The Regina Senior Mixed Slo-Pitch league provides an opportunity for women aged 50 or over and men aged 55 or over [both in the current year] to continue to play ball in a relatively non-competitive atmosphere.  The league is for players of all skill levels - but playing ball requires some basic skills including catching, throwing, hitting a ball and running.  This league may not be a good fit for those who do not have basic ball skills or knowledge of the game.

Games are played at the Regina Girls Softball Diamonds at Broad Street and 9th Avenue North every Monday and Wednesday at 9:00 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.  League play begins mid-May and continues to the end of July.

League fees are currently $60.00 per season which includes approximately 20 games, a free windup luncheon for players, insurance, yearly membership in the Saskatchewan Senior Fitness Association [SSFA] and use of a team shirt, bats, and balls.

New players are taken on a first come basis.  New players are assigned to teams based on their ability.  Players are evaluated before the season starts, and then placed on teams accordingly.

If you are interested in playing, please use the "contact us" feature at the bottom of the page.  Please provide your name, phone number, address and prior playing experience.  New players will be contacted at the end of April with further details.